Useful Numbers

Clubs, Societies and Associations - including miscellaneous Bristol links.

Police Stations

Emergency Numbers

Gas Emergencies - 0800 111 999
Electricity Emergencies - 0800 365 900
Water Emergencies (Water Supply) - 0845 702 3797
Water Emergencies (Sewerage) - 0345 300600
Samaritans 24-hour Line - 0345 909090
RSPCA Emergency Line - 08705 555 999

Professional Services

Glenda Hagger Accountancy Services Ltd offering a high level of personal serivce to SMEs in the Bristol and North Somerset areas
Battrick Clark Solicitors local family solicitors offering mediation services and legal advice regarding child law, divorce law and conveyancing.

National Blood Service
Blood donation sessions take place all over Bristol

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